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Season's Greetings!

Happy Holidays

Dear Neighbor, 

With heartfelt warmth, I extend my best wishes to you and your loved ones for a wonderful Holiday season. As we gather with family, friends and loved ones, let us rejoice in the spirit of joy and compassion. I am grateful for so many blessings, and your kindness, and I am so honored to represent our beautiful communities and the wonderful state of California.

Holiday Picture

In the Assembly, my office is working hard to bring state resources home and help our communities thrive. This Christmas, we partnered with Plaza de la Raza in Lincoln Heights to provide nearly 800 toys to children in our community and we are grateful for our partnership with the California Highway Patrol in the distribution of thousands of toys to non-profits across our community. Thank you to our partners and community members for their generous support.

From our families to yours, my staff and I wish you a wonderful Holiday Season.

If you have any questions regarding these events or any state matter, please contact our district office at (213) 483-5252.

In Service,

Wendy Carrillo signature
Assemblywoman, District 52
Chair, Select Committee on Latina Inequities
Vice Chair, Legislative Progressive Caucus