Assemblymember Jessica M. Caloza
Serving Northeast Los Angeles, East Los Angeles, and South Glendale

A Historic Community Swearing-in Ceremony

We kicked off the new year with an incredible Community Swearing-in and Resource Fair at the Los Angeles River Center and Gardens. It was an honor to have Speaker Robert Rivas administer the Oath of Office in front of so many community members and leaders. The Resource Fair showcased local organizations, nonprofits, state agencies, and free resources available to our community. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to this special day!

Community Swearing-in Ceremony Community Swearing-in CeremonyCommunity Swearing-in Ceremony Community Swearing-in Ceremony 

Looking for more photos? Find them here on my Facebook.

Responding to the LA Fires: Extraordinary Session

I was honored to be appointed to the Assembly Budget Committee for the Extraordinary Session to address the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. Working with the Governor, we approved $2.5 billion in emergency aid to help impacted regions recover and rebuild. On the same day, I joined the Governor and legislative leaders for the bill signing ceremony in Los Angeles. Read more about this unprecedented effort here.

Assemblymember Caloza and Governor Newsome

Legislation to Support Californians in Times of Crisis

The loss and devastation resulting from the Eaton and Pacific Palisade fires is unimaginable. My heart goes out to everyone impacted by these events, and to all of the responders who are working hard to return people to their neighbourhoods. We must do more to support our communities after disasters of any kind. I am proud to have introduced critical bills to help us respond and recover faster, and not leave anyone behind.

  • AB 262: California Individual Assistance Act
    This bill creates a state-level program to provide immediate financial relief to individuals and families affected by disasters even if they do not qualify for federal aid. It ensures swift recovery assistance for housing, medical expenses, and more. Read the fact sheet here.
  • AB 265: California Small Business & Nonprofit Recovery Fund Act
    Supporting small businesses and nonprofits after emergencies is essential to helping communities recover. This bill establishes a $100 million program to provide grants and technical assistance for rebuilding, prioritizing minority and women-owned businesses. Read the fact sheet here.

Together for LA press conference Together for LA press conference

Resources for Immigrant Communities/Recursos para Comunidades Inmigrantes

Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. My team and I are here to provide you with resources on what to do when interacting with immigration officials and to connect you to trusted state, national, and non-profit organizations offering free or low-cost legal assistance. County-specific resources and rapid response networks are included to ensure immediate support during immigration enforcement actions.

Visit my website for more information.

Know Your Rights Know Your Rights

East LA Office Hours!

Join me for my first of many Mobile Office Hours! We will be in East Los Angeles on Friday, March 7 from 12 - 4 p.m. Please stop by and say hi to Team Caloza! We want to hear about issues important to you, help you get services from the State, and share updates about our work in Sacramento.

📅 Friday, March 7

⏰ 12 - 4 p.m.

📍 Alma Family Services, 3218 Wabash Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90063

Mobile Office Hours

Thank you for staying engaged as we work together to uplift our community. Follow Team Caloza on social media and visit our website for updates on upcoming events.


Jessica Caloza signature

Jessica M. Caloza
52nd District


Capitol Office:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0052
Phone: (916) 319-2052
Fax: (916) 319-2152

District Office:
1910 West Sunset Boulevard, Suite 810
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Phone: (213) 483-5252
Fax: (213) 483-5166

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