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Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo Recognizes Eastmont Community Center as the 2024 California Non-Profit of the Year

For immediate release:
  • Edmundo Cuevas
  • (916) 319-2052
Assemblywoman Carrillo pictured with Isaias Hernandez, Executive Director, and Brenda Mata, Operations Manager, of Eastmont Community Center

SACRAMENTO, CA - On Wednesday, June 5, Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo (D-Los Angeles) recognized the Eastmont Community Center as the California Nonprofit of the Year, a testament to the exceptional work they do in tackling challenges faced by East Los Angeles families through social services, education, and personal development programs.

Each year, Legislators recognize and honor a Nonprofit of the Year for their district. CalNonprofits sponsors the program in partnership with the state Assembly and Senate Select Committees on the Nonprofit Sector. Since its inception, the State Capitol has recognized some 774 nonprofit organizations.

“For over 50 years, the Eastmont Community Center has served the unincorporated area of East Los Angeles and other surrounding communities through programs that include adult education, services for children and older adults, and emergency food distribution, the latter of which served as a lifeline to many residents before, during and since the pandemic,” said Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo. “Thousands of families rely on Eastmont every year for health screening offered monthly to those that cannot afford physical exams, vaccinations or check-ups, and for other social services, all while fostering community engagement by providing a safe space for learning and growth. I commend Eastmont for its years of service helping to create healthy, united, and self-sufficient communities.” 

“I commend the Eastmont team for all their efforts and the services they provide every day. The incredible and drastic growth we’ve had over the last few years is immense, especially during COVID. I congratulate them all for their part in raising the visibility of the organization locally and now, with our state representatives,” said Isaias Hernández, Executive Director of Eastmont Community Center

Since 1968, the Eastmont Community Center has been a cornerstone of East Los Angeles.  It tackles the challenges faced by families through social services, education, and personal development programs, and empowering potential. Eastmont also creates opportunities by providing social services, educational programs, and resources that equip residents with the tools they need to thrive and transform.  Today, it offers a diverse range of adult education classes, from computer literacy to creative outlets like Spanish literacy, cooking, sewing, dance, yoga, crafts, and other learning opportunities. Over 7,000 families rely on Eastmont each year, which provides essential services and fosters a vibrant community spirit in East Los Angeles, in collaboration with the Disciples of Christ Church.

Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo was elected to the California State Assembly in December 2017. She represents the 52nd District of California, encompassing East Los Angeles, Northeast Los Angeles, and parts of Glendale. She serves on the Assembly Committees on Appropriations, Emergency Management, Health, Labor and Employment, and the Joint Committee on Climate Change Policies. She also serves as the Chair of the Select Committee on Latina Inequities, Vice Chair of the Legislative Progressive Caucus, Commissioner for the California Film Commission, Commissioner for the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, and Member of the California Cultural and Historical Endowment Board.
