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Dear Neighbor,

I am excited to invite you to a special community initiative. As this year’s legislative session concludes, I welcome you to visit my District Office to learn about available state services or to discuss any state matters of interest to you.

While visiting our office, we are also participating in a Professional Clothing Drive to benefit the Youth & Government Program at the Weingart East Los Angeles YMCA and the East Los Angeles Women’s Center.

August 13, 2024

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

July 23, 2024

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

If you’re like me, you can’t wait for the Paris Olympics and Paralympics. Many athletes in this year's games have ties to our Golden State, and I’m ready to cheer for them and all the athletes representing Team USA! I am also excited to share the following information about free concerts, community events, and enrichment activities available throughout the summer. I hope you’re having a great summer!


July 1, 2024

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

Happy Independence Day! Summer is wonderful, but it can also be a challenging time for families to meet their children’s needs. That’s why I wanted to make you aware of opportunities for nutritious meals, and other resources available while schools are closed.


Victory Memorial Grove Monument

June 24, 2024

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

Dear Friend,

With overwhelming support, the Assembly is sending my packet of bills to the Senate that are in service to the communities I represent and the State of California.

My packet of bills this year focuses on the past, present and future of our communities. Below is a partial list of policies that are headed to the Senate and just passed their final hurdle on the Assembly floor. A full list can be found HERE.

Dear Neighbor,

I recently introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 2986, which is a feasibility study that explores the possibility of East Los Angeles becoming its own city or establishing the area as a special district.