Join Our January 26th Community Swearing-in & Resource Fair

Dear Neighbor:

You are cordially invited to my community swearing-in and resource fair this Sunday, January 26 at 11 a.m. at the Los Angeles River Center and Gardens. I am incredibly honored to have been appointed Assistant Majority Whip of the Assembly by Speaker Robert Rivas, who will also be present to administer the oath of office.

Actualización de Fuegos en el Sur de California: Recursos e Información Importante

Estimado Vecino,

Mi corazón está con todos los residentes, negocios y personal de primera respuesta impactados por el fuego Eaton y varios fuegos quemando en la región de Los Angeles. El estado de California y mi oficina está lista para apoyar sus necesidades y recuperación de este incidente trágico. Abajo hay información y actualizaciones para mantenerte seguro e informado.

SoCal Wildfires Update: Key Resources & Information

January 10, 2025

Dear Neighbor,

My heart goes out to all the residents, businesses, and first responders impacted by the Eaton Fire and several fires burning in the Los Angeles region. The State of California and my office are ready to support your needs and recovery from this tragic incident. Below is information and updates to help keep you safe and informed. 

Save the Date: Community Swearing-in and Resource Fair

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Please join me for my swearing-in and community celebration! There will also be a resource fair featuring state agencies and community organizations. I am honored that Speaker Robert Rivas has selected me to be the Assistant Majority Whip and conduct the oath of office.

Sunday, January 26, 2025
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Los Angeles River Center & Gardens
570 W Ave 26
Los Angeles, CA 90065

Eaton Fire Update: Key Resources and Information

January 9, 2025

Dear Neighbor,

The Eaton Fire continues to challenge our community and I remain committed to providing you with the latest updates and resources to keep you and your family safe. Below are critical details for those affected by the fire.


Alerta Comunitaria: Información y Recursos sobre el Incendio en Eaton

Querido vecino,

Mientras el incendio de Easton sigue afectando a nuestra comunidad, quiero compartir contigo actualizaciones importantes y recursos para ayudarte a mantenerte a ti y a tus seres queridos seguros durante este momento difícil.


Mantente informado con las últimas noticias y avisos de evacuación

Community Alert: Eaton Fire Information and Resources

Dear Neighbor,

As the Eaton Fire continues to affect our community, I want to provide you with key updates and resources to help keep you and your loved ones safe during this challenging time.

Stay updated on the latest news and evacuation notices

It's An Honor To Serve

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Happy Holidays! I am deeply honored to have been sworn in for my first term as your representative in the 52nd Assembly District which includes South Glendale, East L.A., and Northeast L.A. As the first Filipina elected to this role, I am humbled by the significance of this historic moment and the trust you have placed in me.


Capitol Office:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0052
Phone: (916) 319-2052
Fax: (916) 319-2152

District Office:
1910 West Sunset Boulevard, Suite 810
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Phone: (213) 483-5252
Fax: (213) 483-5166

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