Golden State Stimulus payments are scheduled to go out within the next week to Californians with Social Security Numbers or Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITINs) that filed their state tax returns between January 1, 2021 and March 1, 2021. In addition to the GSS, more Californians now qualify for cash-back tax credits like CalEITC (up to $3,000) and the Young Child Tax Credit (up to $1,000) this year than ever before, but they will not receive them unless they file their state tax returns.
Los pagos de Estímulo del Estado Dorado (Golden State Stimulus - GSS) están programados para enviarse dentro de la próxima semana a los Californianos con números de seguro social o números de identificación fiscal individual (ITIN) que presentaron sus declaraciones de impuestos estatales entre el 1 de enero y el 1 de marzo del 2021. Además del GSS, este año más Californianos que nunca califican para créditos fiscales de devolución de efectivo como CalEITC (hasta $3,000) y el Crédito Tributario por Hijos Menores (hasta $1,000), pero no los recibirán a menos de que presenten sus declaraciones de impuestos estatales.
As of Thursday, April 15, 2021 the COVID-19 vaccine is available to all California residents 16 years of age and older. The COVID-19 vaccine is free for everyone, with or without insurance, regardless of immigration status. There are many vaccination sites, and available appointments. If vaccine supply is sufficient for Californians to be inoculated, and if hospitalization rates are stable and low, then we can make a comeback on June 15. By dispelling myths and sharing facts about COVID-19 vaccines we can reopen our state.
La vacuna COVID-19 es gratuita para todos, con o sin seguro médico, independientemente del estado migratorio de la persona. Hay muchos lugares donde ponen la vacuna y tienen citas disponibles. Si el suministro de vacunas es suficiente para que los Californianos sean vacunados, y si las tasas de hospitalización son estables y bajas, entonces podemos regresar a la normalidad el 15 de junio. Al desmentir los mitos y compartir datos sobre las vacunas COVID-19, podemos reabrir nuestro estado.
Last year’s Tenant Relief Act (AB 3088) enacted substantial protections from evictions, but renters remained liable for missed payments. By the time this year arrived, 240,000 California households owed an average of $7,000 in back rent. For the wellbeing of our loved ones and our neighbors, it was imperative that we provide rent relief right away. That’s why I championed the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act (SB 91) to extend the moratorium that prevents evictions, and to devote $2.6 billion to go toward paying up to one-year’s worth of back rent. Governor Newsom signed it into law. I urge you to apply for rent relief today.
La Ley de Alivio al Inquilino del año pasado (AB 3088) promulgó protecciones sustanciales contra los desalojos, pero los inquilinos seguían siendo responsables de los pagos atrasados. Al inicio de este año, 240,000 hogares de California debían un promedio de $7,000 en alquiler atrasado. Por el bienestar de nuestros seres queridos y vecinos, era imperativo que proporcionáramos asistencia inmediato para el alquiler.
Earlier this month, Governor Newsom signed the paid sick leave bill I helped champion into law. Californians who cannot work, or must care for a loved one because of COVID-19, will now get up to two weeks of paid sick leave. Frontline and essential workers no longer have to make a choice between a paycheck and their health and safety, or the health and safety of others. We can stop the spread of COVID-19 and save lives, and also ensure financial security and economic opportunity for workers and workplaces. I’m committed to helping all those who have faced hardship and heartache; everyone who has borne the brunt of the global pandemic.
Tax season is here, and the state has a number of helpful programs that you may not be aware of yet: The California Earned Income Tax Credit, our state's Young Child Tax Credit, plus free tax preparation and filing services. Thanks to a change to California law that I helped champion, both Californians who file taxes with Social Security Numbers and ITINs may now qualify for these programs to help your pocketbook. CalEITC was designed to help hard-working families with low incomes. Any household reporting earnings of $30,000 or less, based on their 2020 income alone, might qualify for up to $3,000 in CalEITC. And if they have a child under 6-years-old, they might qualify for up to $1,000 from our state’s Young Child Tax Credit.
La temporada de impuestos está aquí y el estado tiene una serie de programas útiles que quizás no conozcas todavía: el Crédito Tributario por Ingreso del Trabajo de California (CalEITC, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Crédito Tributario Estatal para los Hijos Menores (Young Child Tax Credit), además de servicios gratuitos de preparación y presentación de impuestos. Gracias a un cambio en la ley de California por el cual estuve abogando, tanto los Californianos que declaran impuestos con números de seguro social, como los que lo hacen usando su número ITIN, ahora podrían calificar para estos programas y así obtener ayuda financiera. CalEITC fue diseñado para ayudar a familias trabajadoras con bajos ingresos. Cualquier hogar que tenga ingresos de $30,000 o menos, basado solamente en sus ingresos de 2020, podría recibir hasta $3,000 por parte del CalEITC. Además, si tienen un niño menor de 6 años, podrían calificar para recibir hasta $1,000 del Crédito Tributario Estatal para los Hijos Menores.
This e-newsletter is about COVID-19 vaccinations, testing, scams, and volunteer opportunities in Los Angeles County. Please visit for more details. The COVID-19 vaccine appointment system for L.A. County residents may now be accessed by persons 65 years and older, healthcare workers, and other persons in Phase 1A and Phase 1B Tier 1. Whether you are insured or uninsured, you may visit to make your appointment to receive a free COVID-19 vaccine. You may also make an appointment for a free COVID-19 vaccine by calling (833) 540-0473.
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